Friday, April 10, 2009

Vandalism at the Station

Following a very successful event held on the 8th April, (our Community Fortnight Coffee Morning), and Celebrations of being 'One year old', together with the opening of the newly decorated Resource Room and the unveiling of the Friends Signboard at the entrance to Stour Road, which was officiated by Dr. Bob Gilbertson (Chair of the Christchurch Community Partnership) together with the Snow Queen; much disappointment between the committee was raised the following day, when it was discovered that two of the 'Floral Display Barrels' at the entrance to the station on the Clarendon Road side, were totally destroyed by mindless vandals. This appears to have happened on the same evening of the 8th. We have had very little in the way of outright vandalism since we started in beautifying the station surroundings, but this is very upsetting for the whole community. SWT have now installed CCTV Cameras which will be monitoring the Station 24/7.
If anyone has any information that they are able, or willing to give, in connection with this vandalism (which can be left in confidence if required) please contact the Civic Offices on 495000 and ask for Wilbert Smith who will be happy to speak with you.